MOROCCO – The National Company of Motorways of Morocco (ADM) has announced that it is planning to build another highway linking the diplomatic and economic capitals of the Kingdom to reduce the high levels of traffic on the Rabat-Casablanca highway.
The new highway is set to cover 60 kilometers, linking Tamesna, in the suburbs of Rabat, to Casablanca’s Tit Mellil.
Société Nationale des Autoroutes du Maroc (ADM) said that it will invest US$521.41 million (MAD 5 billion) in the project, currently in the planning stages.
Previously planned for 2030, the traffic congestion on the highway and especially at the highway tolls has urged ADM to carry out the project ahead of schedule.
The new highway is now planned for completion by 2021.
In addition to the new road, ADM is also planning the construction of a 30-kilometers long highway linking Tit-Mellil to Berrechid at a cost of US$208.56m (MAD 2 billion).
ADM also aims to open the 105 kilometers long highway linking Guercif to Nador West Med.
Construction works on a combined 867 kilometers of highways are currently underway between Tiznit/Laâyoune (555 Km), Taza/Al Hoceima (148 Km), Sidi Bouzid/Jorf Lasfar (12 Km), and Berkane/El Aioun (36,6 Km).
Morocco has 1,800 kilometers of highways and has allocated a budget of MAD 500 million for their maintenance, as per data communicated in 2016 by Aziz Rabbah, the then minister of transportation, equipment, and logistics.
ADM runs the roads under its management on a pay-per-use basis, with toll stations placed along its length.
Rental-income from rest-areas and services (fuel, food and drink outlets etc.) form a second income beside the collected toll-revenues.
In 1975 construction started on the first stage of the motorway between Casablanca and Rabat.
However, financial restrictions slowed down development and the opening of the last section had to wait until 1987.
Two years later the ADM was officially formed. Since that date other motorways were developed.
One instrument to allow faster construction was introduction of toll. Revenues could then be used to repay investments.